Wednesday 21 January 2015

When the heart is set right, then the personal life is cultivated. When the personal life is cultivated, then the home life is regulated. \W"hen the home life is regulated, then the national life is orderly: And when the national life is orderly, then the world is at peace."

Give love to everyface you come across each day, whether a stranger or friend. Give love.. Feel and imagine them receiving it..,all the love you anyone will return back to you in a multiplied way....

If you want something in life....imagine and feel having it with you right now...NOW...
And feel love to it..feel its already there...when you reach the frequency of the thing whatever may it be,,.you will surely receive it in ur life.
Because anything you can imagine already exists.

Have all the love you can bring in your life.... Love is unlimited!

armastus...every being

"Someday when men have conquered the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we will harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire." Peirre Cilhord d.c(1881-1955) PRIEST AND PHILOSOPHER

Give the best of you. Give your love because it is the magnet to all the riches of life. And your life will become richer than you thought was possible, because when you give love, you are fulfilling the entire purpose of your life. When you give love, you will receive back so much love and joy that you will feel it is almost more than you can take. But you can take unlimited love and joy, because it's who you are.

While you are here, every time you choose the positive, every time you choose to feel good, you are giving your love, and with it you light up the world. And everything you can wish for, everything you can dream of, everything you love will follow you wherever you go. You have the greatest force in the universe within you. And with it, you will have an amazing life! The Power is within you.

Excerpts from The power...a book I finished reading today. Thank you Rhonda Byrne thank you thank you thank you, for sharing this love through your book.

Sunday 18 January 2015

LOVE..."armastus." will know the truth, and the truth will set you free!

 Anthing negative is only a lack of love....lets take the small example of an empty drinking glass...
Imagine the emptiness is negative thoughts, now u cant rip the empty space out...but the only way to do away with the empty space is to fill it in with some water....well, quite the same way, fill your life with positive thoughts like love, happiness....let it overflow....then there wouldn't be any empty space of negativity left in it. 

To harness the force of love (the most powerful positive thought)....think only about  the things you love in complaints,no anger, no revenge, no negatives...only love..and amazingly, when you sow love you reap love..infact..more and more with love will start coming into your @life. Things you love the most..your dreams...everything will become true. Your life will be enriched. The Holy scriptures say...When you know and realise the truth which is true will set you free!

Love everything... love you see the Almighty...if anything you dont like comes in your life, dont give it any feelings, just leave it alone..and it wouldnt affect you in any ways. List out the things, people, activities you love... Think... Feel... Act in love..everyday. List out atleast 10 things you love the most.

When you find yourself in a situation without something, give love and thanks for the times you had it in your life. Be thankful like you have it always and you value it..feel good about when you had it..give out lots of love for the moments you had it..feel grateful and believe you already have it now...and it will appear in your life again.

You are a magnet and your feelings are a mirror... or an echo...what you receive back.

Show love and kindness to people around you, you get back love and kindness in multiple ways.

Its simple...fill yourself... every relationship with love...and you will become the true alchemist, everything you touch will be magically changed in love...

I honour and thank the almighty with the biggest heartfelt love and gratefulness that I can feel now..for teaching me and d world about this truth ...the power of love that has set me free...thank You.. Lord..thank much...Thank You and I love you infinitely! Amen.